Clinical Aromatherapy
Clinical aromatherapy is the controlled use of essential oils for specific physical or psychological outcomes that are measurable. The choice of essential oil is often based on the chemistry of the essential oil, as it will indicate the properties of the oil and thus the safest method of use. The choice of essential oil will also take into consideration the aroma preferences of the client.
Essential oils are stored inside microscopic secretory structures within aromatic plants and are only obtained by a process of distillation or expression. They are complicated compounds containing up to one hundred different chemical components. Each essential oil is multi-talented – having more than one single property, eg. anti-inflammatory, calming or stimulating, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antispasmodic, decongestant, analgesic etc. There is a science and an art to clinical aromatherapy- much as there is to conventional medicine. Clinical aromatherapy has an important role to play in healthcare. Aromatherapy oils are used pure for inhalation and topically (mixed with a carrier such as oil or cream), but are not for internal use.
Currently, SHINE provides custom-blended aromatherapy products for clients following treatment, as a continuation of care at home. Further development of products section to come ~ Stay tuned!